Another day on the new world!

Another day on the new world!

sábado, 13 de fevereiro de 2010

Bristia Heroes: Attempt to save a restrained server!

Hello Bristia players!

Everbody know's that Bristia is a unbalanced server, but...
Our heroes come to save the land!!
LightOfDawn, Matrix, Epiphany, InstantNoodle, Infection, ~CyberPunks~, Casenova, the_13th, Black Order, Legionnaire, Anti-Existence, Anarchy, Black Ice. Together they are the:

Bristia Alliance

Today a mass attack will be landed on TO/Ceres at CW.
So what is going to happen? The power of Bristia Alliance is enough to face TO/Ceres?

I'll make the coverage of the war.
Let's hope for justice on Bristia!

3 comentários:

  1. si, que se haga justicia!

  2. bruno_vinicius1990@hotmail.com14 de fevereiro de 2010 às 00:11

    tomara que eles consigam, essas duas guilds ja taum dominando o mapa a muito tempo.
